At Choice Therapy, we work with children ages 5-18 to ensure the best quality of care for each child. We work with children who are facing developmental delays, and have challenges meeting their milestones, making it difficult for them to interact, learn, explore and play. We also create a fun exercise environment where a child can rehab their injury and learn exercises that they can do at home so that they can get back in the game as quickly and safely as possible, while also learning ways to prevent future injuries. If you believe your child would benefit from pediatric therapy, request an appointment or free screening at Choice Therapy today.
Pediatric Therapy Services
Occupational Therapy
activities of daily living, fine motor, neonatal and infant development, Autism spectrum disorders, sensory processing and sensory integration, assistive technology assessment and training, adaptive equipment and positioning, upper extremity, orthotic fabrication and fitting, visual motor and visual perceptual skills, handwriting, as well as emotional and behavioral regulation.
Physical Therapy
musculoskeletal conditions, orthopedic conditions, neuromuscular conditions, gross motor developmental assessments, coordination and balance training, mobility training and mobility planning, as well as adaptive equipment assessment and training
Speech Therapy
Articulation and phonological disorders, oral motor skills, swallowing and feeding disorders, fluency disorders, hearing disorders, language disorders, cognitive deficits, voice deficits (hoarseness, vocal nodules, polyps), Autism spectrum disorder, auditory processing disorders, cochlear implants, augmentative and alternative communication, Craniofacial abnormalities (cleft lip and/or palate), as well as apraxia.
Choice Therapy makes treatment fun!
We are here to help you and your child through therapy, home program, and communicating with your pediatrician and other specialists to reach their maximum potential. Request an appointment or free screening with Choice Therapy today.
Your Next Steps...
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Work Hard and Progress In Your Recovery
Recover & Enjoy Life Pain-Free!